Friday, December 30, 2011

Pajama Day!

After many weeks, we were super proud to fill up our compliment bucket. Students worked hard to earn compliments for good behavior, kind manners, and trying their best on their work. To celebrate, students enjoyed a pajama day at school. On this day we also said goodbye to our student teacher. Ms. Haders came to us from Georgetown College and became part of our kindergarten family. We wish her luck!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Zambo Visits

Kindergarten student enjoyed a visit from Officer Greathouse and Zambo, a K9 police dog with the Lexington Police Department. Office Greathouse shared with us about how he trained Zambo to search for people and drugs. When Zambo performed his duties as a police dog he would often get a special treat - a hamburger from the drive-thru! It was a real treat for our students to get to learn about police dogs from a real police officer. Thank you Officer Greathouse!